Erin L. FitzGerald


UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism - Masters Degree


Freelance Video Producer and Journalist, 2014-Present

Produce and direct multimedia packages for news outlets and non-profit organizations, including a multimedia package for The Guardian U.S. on Yellowstone National Park visitation, a multimedia package for National Nurses United on workplace violence, and a multimedia package for Solano Community College on programs for developmentally disabled adults. Other projects in development include Hacking the Artificial Pancreas about diabetic techies inventing the first artificial pancreas, and Turning the Terra Soothes Disabled Adults about how the new field of horticultural therapy is changing people's lives.

Video Producer, California Nurses Association, Oakland, CA - 2008-2014

Produced, directed and edited educational documentary-style video up to twenty minutes in length and short video to satisfy CNA’s website content needs. Worked alone handling all aspects of production including shooting, and with crews, in a wide variety of situations under tight deadlines. Worked with other members of CNA's communications team to develop multimedia packages for CNA's website. Coordinated complex shoots internationally (Haiti and the Philippines) to capture nurses working through RNRN, CNA’s disaster relief program. Produced and edited short documentary on RN activism worldwide, including coordinating complex logistics to interview nurse leaders from 13 different countries. Edited diverse footage and points of view into a moving piece that received a standing ovation at CNA’s 2014 convention.

Producer, Director - Carny Girl - Documentary - 2006-2008

Produced and directed a twenty-six minute documentary, Carny Girl, about a multi-generational carnival family. Coordinated all aspects of production, filming, crews and locations with minimal resources. Conducted pre-interviews, interviews, coordinated shoots across several states, scouted locations, arranged travel, built relationships with people from a culture reluctant to divulge personal information and trade secrets.

Knight Fellowship Team - Sex and Religion - 2007

Worked with a team using multimedia to express the diversity of sexual beliefs within the confines of various religions. Built rapport with pastors, priests, and religious leaders from Mormon to Buddhist and undertook the sometimes delicate conversation regarding both institutional and personal views on sexuality. Directed and edited video excerpts for use on the Knight Fellowship website.

Photographer/Writer - Freelance 2004-2007 on the following topics:

Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts - Baton Rouge/Houston  

Healthcare in Women’s Prisons - Investigative Reporting - Central California

Controversy in Susan G. Komen Foundation Cancer Walks - California

Mobile Medical Relief to Rural Poor - Humboldt County, CA

Troops Return with Unknown Illness - National

Gathered interviews and photos, and wrote long form magazine stories investigating various aspects of medicine and healthcare, including a Baton Rouge hospital housing survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Researched and investigated dangerous errors and underfunding in prison healthcare. Questioned the efficacy of cancer walks and research funding in the Susan G. Komen Foundation and revealed conflict of interest between Komen and Occidental Petroleum. Rode with Mobile Medical in Humboldt to document rural intervention centers. Interviewed returned soldiers about mystery illness. Wrote stories for publication in nursing magazines. 

Associate Producer - Taking Care - Documentary - 2005

Worked with Director Rick Goldsmith, and Will Parrinello on a 26-minute documentary on the history of the California Nurses Association. Assisted the producer with coordinating shoots, locations, interview subjects, including assisting with pre-interviews and acting as liaison between the organization and crew. Secured historic photographs and helped coordinate history narrative for the film.  

Pre-2005: Worked as a lead organizer and activist directing teams on healthcare access issues.


Excellent management skills with experience coordinating organizers as well as disaster relief teams in the field for the Registered Nurse Response Network. Excellent communication skills. Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Able to work quickly and efficiently with a sunny disposition. Professional, thoughtful and able to exercise good judgment. Team player. 

Skilled with a variety of video cameras, including professional Sony, Canon and Panasonic models. Able to learn quickly and adapt to needs. Experienced in all aspects of shooting in diverse conditions, from run and gun to interview. Able to apply lighting skills in a variety of environments. 

Skilled at Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere. Skilled in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe AfterEffects, with working knowledge of many of the Adobe Suite of products. Skilled illustrator, artist, writer, photographer. 


Awarded Research and Development Grant in 2008 for my own film, Redevelopment Blues, the Legacy of West Oakland, about how redevelopment altered a once-thriving political and cultural center in the 7th Street area of West Oakland. Produced and directed a ten minute trailer for this project.

Elected student speaker by my journalism peers for UC Berkeley commencement, 2008.


Available upon request.